Ghostwire Tokyo Ko-omote boss guide

Here is a guide to the first big boss of Ghostwire Tokyo, Ko-omote

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Ghostwire Tokyo has quite the few boss battles that you will encounter as part of the side quests and the main story.  However, one of the boss battles in Ghostwire Tokyo is Ko-omote, who is the first major boss you face in the main story. For those struggling to beat the boss, here are a few tips and tricks to beat the boss.

Ghostwire Tokyo Ko-omote guide

When you get in the fight, you will notice a beast walking around a rectangle-shaped arena. If you get caught, the boss will begin to charge to your location, lapping around as if it is a jouster. In the middle of the rectangle is a room only you can get into, allowing you to sneak around and hide and escape its wrath if you need a place to escape.

However, if you flee from the boss and it knows you are in the middle, Ko-omote will breathe deathly fog into the room, blocking off that part of the middle for a short while. If you’re on hard mode, keep this in mind as it could spell disaster for your fight.

The middle is going to play an important part in beating the boss. This is how you can traverse around the arena without getting spotted by Ko-omote. This will allow you to position in ambush spots, ready to get the crucial back attacks against Ko-omote.

To beat the boss, you need to attack the exposed core located at the boss’ tail. Hence, you need to drop aggro and hide. Once you are in position, we recommend using the talisman, which you can use to get the boss to the desired location. Try to angle it to a point where the boss won’t see you and still walk past you and then get your back to quick purge attack its rear core. Repeat the process, and you’re good to go.

If you want to beat Ghostwire Tokyo’s Ko-omote boss, you can try and aggro her to a spot and hide. We managed to alert her and hide behind a sign. When the boss was behind it, we managed to peak and purge the core and beat the battle.

If you enjoyed this Ghostwire Tokyo Ko-omote boss guide, why not check out our GW:T hub for more guides?

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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