Halo Infinite free-to-play Fiesta — What is the Fracture: Tenrai – Fiesta event?

Sadly not a party, Fiesta is actually a chaotic gamemode based on RNG

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Being a crucial part of this week’s event in Halo Infinite, we need to know exactly what Fiesta mode is and how to get stuck into battle.

The free-to-play Halo Infinite multiplayer is in full swing after its release on November 15th, 2021, and is even into its first event already – Fracture: Tenrai. In order to complete some of the event challenges, you will need to participate in Fiesta mode. Fiesta Mode’s USP is that you’ll be spawned with a random weapon, so let’s hope you’ve got luck on your side.

What is Halo Infinite Fiesta Mode?

Fracture Tenrai Fiesta Halo Infinite

Fiesta mode returns to Halo having been seen in Halo 3, Halo 4 and Halo 5 already, so you might be familiar if you’re a Halo veteran. If not, then simply put, Fiesta is a gamemode with random spawn weapons. So, with RNG being a crucial element of this game mode, you just have to hope you get lucky. Taken out by someone with better luck than you? The good news is that you will respawn with another entirely new, random loadout.

How to play Halo Infinite Fiesta matches

The Fiesta gamemode can be played just like any other match by simply choosing it in the multiplayer menu. Select Fiesta from above the regular playlist, and jump into matchmaking as standard.

How to complete Fiesta challenges

fracture tenrai fiesta challenges halo infinite

You will need to participate in at least a few Halo Infinite Fiesta matches if you want to complete your weekly challenges and up your Fracture: Tenrai Pass progress. The Fiesta challenges are temporary, as is the event, coming to an end on November 30th. It is worth bearing in mind that the Fracture event will be returning for a further five separate weeks throughout Season One, but you will need to get these Fiesta challenges completed this week for them to count towards your overall event progress.

There are a few different challenges that involve Fiesta mode, including Winning Matches and Killing Enemy Spartans. While these are standard to any mode, you will need to complete them in Fiesta mode for them to count towards your challenge progress. So drop in, hope Lady Luck is with you, and you might even discover your new favorite weapon of choice.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Danielle Rose

Danielle has loved writing about games, records and films for as long as she can remember, probably in an effort to feel better about not being able to create them. A keen console gamer from a young age, she now has a collection of old paraphernalia gathering dust — sacrilege! — in the hopes of one day being able to house the ultimate haven of retro gaming systems… including a Guitar Hero arcade machine. She's still saving for that, though.

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