LoL patch notes 12.2: Several AD Champions get buffs

AD assassins see a nerf, while the windy men get a buff in the latest round of LoL patch notes.

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Update January 20: The LoL 12.2 patch notes are now live. Riot Games have published its usual infographic along with a link to the full list of patch notes from 12.2. We have provided a link to the tweet so you can check everything out for yourself.

While the first major League of Legends patch went out fairly recently for Season ‘22, the balance team behind LoL is back. The LoL patch notes for 12.2 is here, giving us an early look into the upcoming balance changes coming to LoL on January 20. Expect lots of changes to popular AD champions, which seem to have lost significant power due to the recently Mythic nerfs.

LoL patch notes 12.2 key buffs and nerfs

The key tales in this iteration of the LoL patch notes are the major AD changes. Several champs have found the game much harder to play, considering the recent Immortal Shieldbow nerf. These champs are the windy boys in the mid lane, Yasuo and Yone, along with Samira getting her buff since Immortal Shieldbow is her mythic item. To compensate for their losses, both Yasuo and Yone are getting a 5% Q AD ratio increase. Meanwhile, Samira has stronger damage per bullet on her R, going from 0/10/20 to 5/15/25.

Some other significant changes are coming to other champs. The most important one outside of this Shieldbow trio is Senna. Since the changes to Glacial Augment, Senna’s weapon has felt somewhat lacklustre compared to the utility it brought in Season 11. So much so that Riot is putting her slow onto her AA. Each attack slows enemies by 20%, so Support or fasting Senna’s can still feel as impactful as she was.

In the nerf department, there is a theme of nerfs. It seems the assassins are a bit too strong, and so three of the five nerfs are assassins. Talon is on the list with a bonus monster damage nerf on his W, nerfing his clear speeds in the jungle. On the other hand, Qiyanah’s grass zone is getting a nerf, with the duration dropping to three-second, her health regen is also moving from 7.5 to 6. Lastly, there is a nerf to Zef’s R base damage, dropping from 100% AD scaling to 65%.

Shen and Talon are getting a tone bac in the LoL patch notes for 12.2. Why is Shen’s Q damage too high in the current top lane meta and is dropping back a percent. Meanwhile. Lulu is a dominant meta enchanter, so her Whimsy, Polymorph spell is getting an extra second on the CD at all levels.

These are the main parts of the LoL patch notes for 12.2. If you want a full sneak peek of the content coming on January 20, we have given you a  link to the Riot Phlox tweet containing all the details. Closer to the time, you’ll get the full design patch notes, likely around January 18. Like all these early preview patches, things are subject to change. If things do change and is significant enough, we will update the text to reflect the magnitude or theme of the patch.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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