Renata Glasc Release Date: Will she arrive in 12.4?

When is the Renata Glasc release date?

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Renata Glasc is the newest League of Legends champion, bringing a darker spin on enchanters in the support role. We got a surprise update drop on the character, with her abilities getting some spotlight, along with her launch day base skin. When can we get our hands on the newest support enchanter? We can expect the Renata Glasc release date sometime in the next patch or two.

As it stands, it seems that Reneta Glasdc release date may happen sometime in just went live on official servers, which means it is time to roll Galsc out on the PTR. It means we could expect a Reneta Glasc release date around February 15. However,  most champions never actually release at the exact time a patch goes live. It could mean we get it a few hours after the patch goes live, or maybe even a day or two later. It is why we are basing it in a patch basis, rather than locking it on a certain date. The latest example of that happened with Zeri, which was not out as the patch went live.

However, the champion seems a bit fiddly, especially with her new ultimate. So, we might actually see a Renata Glasc release date on 12.5 if it turns out she is heavily bugged. But, Riot seems set on her release in 12.4 as they haven’t said otherwise just yet.

Are you excited to get your hands on the latest League of Legends champion? Why not head on over to the PBE and give her a try. The more people get their hands on her, the more Riot can determine balance changes before launch, fix bugs and more, meaning she is more than likely getting the 12.4 release date.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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