New World Covenant Advancement guide: Trial of the Templar and more

We guide you through the Trial of the Templar, Trial of the Excubitor, Trial of the Lumen, and Trial of the Adjudicator faction quests.

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The Covenant is one of the three New World factions you can join once you finish the tutorial to New World. Each faction has its own background lore, world view and visual style, as well as a number of other benefits such as the distinct Faction Gear you can claim through token by doing faction missions. Also, the greater the control a faction exerts on the map, the more benefits the members can enjoy from the game’s settlements.

When you finish going through the introduction with your faction, you can earn reputation. Eventually, you can get enough faction reputation offering New World covenant advancement quests, allowing you to rank up.  

Choose Your Allegiance and Covenant Initiation

First, to be able to join a faction, you need to complete the Main Story quest Choose Your Allegiance. After choosing to join the Covenant, you will be assigned the Covenant Initiation story quest. Depending on where you are located, you will be assigned one of four stories to complete:

  • Kannan Tomb (Windsward)
  • Bradbury Fields (Everfall)
  • Dayspring Mills / Hilltop (First Light)
  • Abadier’s Anger (Monarch’s Bluffs)

Once you have completed Covenant Initiation, you will be given the rank of Adept (Tier 1) and will be able to start amassing faction reputation (rep).

How to gain Covenant faction rep

Simply visit a nearby New World Covenant leader. You can accept and complete quests to receive faction reputation, tokens, experience and faction influence if you opt for faction PVP missions. Once you get to 3000 reputation, you will unlock your first New World Covenant Advancement mission, allowing you to rank up in your faction and unlock new faction gear for purchase with your tokens.

Trial of the Templar (Brightwoods)

Warning spoilers ahead of the rest of the article.

The Trial of the Templar Advancement story is how you progress from the rank of Adept to that of Templar (Tier 2) in the New World Advancement story. You need a faction reputation of 3,000 and be a minimum of level 25 to be able to attempt the Templar trial.

You need to travel to Brightwoods, add track down the missing initiate called Breman Luca. Once you know what is going on, speak to Templar Roose in Brightwood to complete the quest.

Templar Rewards

  • 1,540 XP
  • 1,500 Templar Tokens
  • 20 Azoth
  • 96.25 Coins

Trial of the Excubitor (Weaver’s Fen)

The Trial of the Excubitor Covenant Advancement story is how you progress to the third tier of the New World Covenant Advancement story. You need a faction reputation of 11,000 and should be a minimum of level 40 to be able to attempt the Excubitor trial.

You will be sent to put to rest those enemies who’ve fallen in Weaver’s Fen. Return to Adjudicator Sheng in Weaver’s Fen upon completion.

Chronicler Rewards

  • 2,380 XP
  • 3,000 Covenant Tokens
  • 20 Azoth
  • 122.5 Coins

Trial of the Lumen (Mourningdale)

The Trial of the Lumen Covenant Advancement story is how you progress to the fourth tier of the New World Covenant Advancement story. You need a faction reputation of 26,000 and a minimum level of around 50 to be able to attempt the Lumen trial.

You need to travel to Mourningdale and recover prayer beads from Corrupted Templars to earn your next advancement tier. Talk to Excubitor Luca in Great Cleave when you complete the task.

Cabalist Reward:

  • 2,890 XP
  • 6,000 Covenant Tokens
  • 20 Azoth
  • 140 Coins

Trial of the Adjudicator (Shattered Mountain)

The Trial of the Lumen Covenant Advancement story progresses your character to the fifth tier of the New World Covenant Advancement story. You need a faction reputation of 49,000 and a minimum level of around 60 to be able to attempt the Adjudicator trial.

You need to fight and defeat Corruptd Excubitor Luca to earn the rank of Adjudicator. Once you have defeated the corrupted comrade, talk to Adjudicator Maras in Mountainhome when the task is complete.

Alchemist Rewards

  • 3,750 XP
  • 12,000 Covenant Tokens
  • 30 Azoth
  • 157.5 Coins

This concludes the New World Covenant Advancement storyline. We hope this taught you how the reputation system works with your chosen faction in New World.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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