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How To Cancel A Twitch Prime Membership

Learn how to cancel your Twitch Prime without losing your Twitch/Amazon accounts

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Does This Method Work With Mobile And Tablet?

Unfortunately, if you connected your Twitch account via a mobile, this method won’t work for you. You’ll have to disable the connection within the mobile application. Luckily, the method is fairly similar, only requiring a phone to actually perform the removal.

Can I Redeem My Free Subscription?

Once you cancel your Twitch Prime membership, you will no longer be subscribed to that particular channel. The only way to redeem your free subscription is to link your Amazon and Twitch together.


So, there you have, our quick rundown on how to cancel a Twitch Prime membership. Sometimes, you just don’t want your accounts to be cluttered together and tied down. To clear your Twitch account up and cancel your Twitch Prime, the above steps are the quickest and easiest way to do so.

If you have any questions regarding the process, feel free to drop us a comment in the section below. Better still, you can head over to our Community Hub where you can discuss everything Twitch-related with like-minded individuals.