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The Last Of Us Part II Install Isn’t As Big As We Thought

Are you one of those people who are quickly running out of space to install games? If so, there’s some good news for you. With the install size of games seemingly growing and growing, we had originally feared that The Last of Us Part II would require over 100 GB of hard drive space!

You’ll Still Be Looking At A Large Install

Recently released games such as the Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Red Dead Redemption 2 have clocked in at over 100 GB, even without future patches taken into account. So, you’ll be pleased to know that a recent leak put The Last of Us Part II’s install at around 80 GB.

Yes, this is only 20 GB less than some people feared, but it can go a long way for those who are already running at capacity. This leak came from a Reddit user who posted an image on his install progress for the game.

With some people already receiving early copies of the game, we can probably expect this install size to rise steadily in the coming weeks. Day one patches and frequent updates will have an impact of the install size of this title before we know it.

This is the largest install size of any Naughty Dog game so far with Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End previously holding the crown at 48 GB. This just goes to show that the amount of details and graphical fidelity in games is steadily increasing. The Last of Us Part II will be Naughty Dog’s most detailed effort yet and we can’t wait to play it.

Are you excited to play The Last of Us Part II when it releases? Let us know down in the comments section below what you think of the ever-growing size of games. We love hearing all your thoughts.

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